Ivan Titov
ititov (at) inf.ed.ac.uk, IF 3.28
Professor and Personal Chair in Natural Language Processing, ILCC, School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh, UK and also a faculty member (UHD) at ILLC, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands.
My recent research has primarily focused on machine learning for natural language processing (NLP), specifically on
natural language understanding (question answering, information extraction, and semantic parsing);
improving generalization across tasks and data distributions;
interpretability and controlability of deep learning models.
My research team had been supported by grants from ERC, NWO (VIDI), Google, SAP, Yandex, Booking.com and Amazon.
I was a program co-chair at ICLR 2021 and CoNLL 2018. I am also an action editor for the journal of machine learning research (JMLR) and Transactions of ACL (TACL), an ELLIS fellow and co-direct their NLP program. At Edinburgh, I co-direct the Centre for Doctoral Training in NLP (apply!) and Edinburgh ELLIS unit.